Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Long Lost Michoel Streicher is Finally Found

Kumzits Purim 2008 with Nuchem Richter & Michoel Streicher.


Anonymous said...

Long lost Streicher? You do realize he did this Kumzitz straight out of jail. Since he was last on the music scene he's made his money by stealing it and has entertained himself by molesting boys. The long arm of the law finally caught up with him and he's now out on bail pending trial or plea deal. This guy should never be allowed to sing in public again.

Lucky Wolf said...

where ws he arrested? he was hangin out in LA for a while.

Anonymous said...

course u keep yourself unknown what do u know about him he is a talmid chochom and sits and learns all day u prob just jelous of him so go back to your hole

Anonymous said...

I learned with Michoel 3rd seder in the Mir and saw how he was moser nefesh so make up for lost time. He often said how gishmak it was, and how he had wasted time in the diamond trade.